Caivan Projects Solution Ltd pools resources together to help transform communities by offering tailor made community volunteer programs and excursions, with the aim of incorporating sustainable development goals ,to reduce poverty,hunger and improve health and well being of groups and communities

Transforming communities by offering tailor made community volunteer programs

Women empowerment

safiri Kenya with Caivan Project Solutions

Safiri Kenya

Sustainable development

Community Medical Programs

(Utamaduni) Cultural program

Nanyuki Equator - Caivan Project Solutions
Caivan Projects Solution Ltd pools resources together to help transform communities by offering tailor made community volunteer programs and excursions, with the aim of incorporating sustainable development goals ,to reduce poverty,hunger and improve health and well being of groups and communities

Caivan Projects Solution Ltd pools resources together to help transform communities by offering tailor made community volunteer programs and excursions, with the aim of incorporating sustainable development goals ,to reduce poverty, hunger and improve health and well being of groups and communities

utamanduni cultural programs in Kenya at caivan project solutions

Utamanduni Cultural Programs

community medical programs in Kenya at caivan project solutions

Community Medical Programs

Safiri Kenya programs in Kenya at caivan project solutions

Safiri Kenya Program

sustainable development programs with caivan project solutions

Sustainable Development Program

women and girl empowerment programs with caivan project solutions

Women and Girl Empowerment Program

Inceptos consequuntur laoreet accusantium odio provident hic, sed! Magna blandit atque auctor eiusmod distinctio rerum.

James Housten

Inceptos consequuntur laoreet accusantium odio provident hic, sed! Magna blandit atque auctor eiusmod distinctio rerum.

Sally Wright